
Not much going on yet -- just waiting for materials to process all this Aerochrome. I did pick up a 1958 Zorki-4 with a matching Jupiter-8 (and a manual recording both serials). I hear a few different things about Jupiter-8 glass, including but not limited to: after the war, they got East German Zeiss's glass and tooling as reparations; by 1959, they'd run out of all of Zeiss's old glass and technicians; around 1954-56, they recalculated their Jupiter-8 formula to use Soviet glass; there was a significant quality drop after 1959; at most the materials taken from Zeiss account for two years of production; that the Soviets inherited 150,000 full optical blocks; that production quality improved after 1982; and only the Contax-mount Kiev cameras and Jupiter lenses were made with the Zeiss/ZI equipment, and everything else was Soviet through and through. The veracity and completeness of each of these is anyone's guess, but either way half the information I have says 1958 is a good year for Jupiter lenses, and the other half says it's just fine. I do know I should avoid the late '70s and '80s, though it seems as though staying well clear of that 1959 shelf should also be nice. I suppose it's the earlier the better with these. I hope eventually to get a Jupiter-3, Jupiter-9, Jupiter-11, and one of those very nice Russar 20mm wides, but I feel the 9 would only be very useful on a Kiev rangefinder with its extraordinary base length. I think it'd be interesting to run the Russar with an equivalent small WLF for literal shooting from the hip, but I don't think there's a shoe-mountable 90-degree finder that wide on the market now or ever. It'd be an interesting thing to make, but would take custom optics because of how wide it is.


Oh no! I forgot to update this until the new year. A lot has changed. First, some updates on ongoing work from earlier logs. Interestingly that borderless tissue pour I mentioned earlier was my first ever batch to develop fungus. It had a spindly white mold growing, not unlike a lens fungus but much faster — cleanup was unfortunate. I think I missed the isopropanol in the recipe, and I might look into adding thymol as well as a preservative. Carbon progress kind of paused after that for other reasons. The Symmar's Synchro-Compur broke itself again unfortunately. I spent a few stressful hours getting it back into shape, and I kind of did, but there's a misalignment at the bottom of the spring that engages the 1/400 speed that would require a deeper teardown than I've yet done. I want to wait until I have more tools to do this, since right now my lens spanner is a ruler and a screwdriver. The Triflow worked wonders though. The lubrication schedule in the manual on archive.org was very useful. Unfortunately between Sept. 16 and now the Seneca has fallen apart more. The joints are weaker, the bellows have more holes, and they're notably stiffer. The focusing pinions have started skipping when turned with the knob, too, which is strange because the rear standard is still easily movable. I never did solve my hot edges beyond Use a Larger Tray, and unfortunately my only larger trays will absolutely scratch X-ray.

One of the biggest developments is that I do actually have one-sided sheet film I can develop in large trays now: Aerochrome 2443! It's infrared-capable and everything, makes passable false-color negatives and beautiful black-and-white negatives in HC-110. I'm not using it, though, beyond test images because I really want to sell it. I hear you can get good money for it, and I NEED money to be able to continue photography. I ran out, so I've been basically stalled for two months on all darkroom and most photographic work, just running a roll of Fomapan and a terrible 5x7 or two when I need a break. I'll gladly spend a few workdays in the dark cutting and fitting and shipping 1,750 sheets of this stuff in 4x5 if it means I can get a Linhof and a couple lenses and enough film and paper to keep me for the year at least, or a Nikon system for wildlife maybe.

The airshow was great! The Seneca was a veritable celebrity, and I got some nice enough images. They suffered from the usual problems, and the unusual problem of having to load my 1.5 working holders in the Virginia sun and getting fingerprints on the developed negatives. I'll display a 35mm image below, but link a larger collection with some notes here.

I'll finish that Oceana page sooner or later. After Oceana it was kind of a lull. I was running low on money, and more importantly my courses got more involved and I poured more time into those. I did do some work in digital — nothing too significant, but I had a good time taking moonlight shots with the 300mm. One of the most important things I'm hoping to get this year is a better tripod, though, and a gimbal and pan/tilt head. Ballheads are my forever enemy, especially cheap ones. If I ever get a ball-head again it'll be either $20 or geared. Either way, the Tamron performed admirably in moonlight, and handled complicated situations with ease. I hope to service it soon, basically everything that can break without affecting its functionality is broken with it so I'll have to get in there to make it actually reasonably enjoyable to use. The worst parts are the rubber focusing grip (falling off) and the dust all over the internal elements. It doesn't affect images much but it's really annoying when it does.


My first actual day of large format shooting, and finally I have a lensboard! This is actually made from wood that came with the camera. The laser cutter in my school's lab had been out of commission for some time because the fume extractor failed, but now that it's fixed I could cut the hole for the #1 shutter and mount it. I brought the camera out, and though it rained intermittently I managed to keep it dry photographing scenes around campus. I made one more awful print from each of the new negatives, trying lower contrast grades. Turned out that negative contrast was about the same, I was just misjudging more highlight density and area as more negative contrast. I really have to conserve paper now before the airshow — it'll be mostly negative creation trying to balance those hot edges and maintain sharpness from view to exposure between then and now. The interesting thing about the hot edges I'm seeing is, even in the new negatives, they expand into the unexposed border. It's like the developer is working on unexposed silver, not even just shadow areas on the negative. I want to figure out if there's a chemical solution to this.


Big things! First, outside of the lab, I was noticing the shutter was getting worse so I did a partial teardown and cleaned the main ring (528) and its spring with naphtha. It's keeping perfect time now except for the 1/200 and 1/400 speeds, which are both about a stop slow. It's not great but it's enough until the Triflow gets here, apparently on the 18th. In the lab, my first 5x7 contact print! I'm getting vicious hot edges with the Fuji HR-T 5x7, which I suspect/have been advised is because I'm using a 5x7-sized tray, but I can't get an 8x10 Cescolite yet so I'll just have to live with them I guess. It's not very sharp since it's the last print I'm making without a lensboard but it's a start. 95M, about 12 seconds, lens stopped down to f/8 with no negative carrier. Fuji HR-T expired 2016 cut down to 5x7 on Arista EDU RC VC Semi-Matte paper. I hear this stuff is Fomaspeed Variant 312. I'd love to try Fomabrom soon, but it'll have to wait until whenever I get the money together. The negative was a little thin and foggy.


This wasn't actually a lab day, but it was a manual photography day. I got this Schneider Symmar convertible 210/5.6 in a Compur MX-1 shutter today, earlier than expected which was nice. It was described only as "fog in lenses, speeds inaccurate, needs total overhaul" so I was prepared for the worst, but everything seemed to work fine. However, when I removed the front cell to see how the lens would look converted (as you do to get a 370mm f/12 with the first Symmars), the front plate came off. I'm fairly sure the cam that held it in place was already almost all the way off, and changing the shutter speed just dragged it, but whatever happened when it fell off made it impossible to just cam the plate back on. After a good while of cross-checking the pictures in the service manual and the one youtube video on the topic, I figured out all the issues and reassembled it, but unfortunately it seems that the main ring is still dragging. I have some Triflow oil on the way on recommendation of a dead forum thread about this shutter, so hopefully it'll work. I have to be very sparing with it.


Poured a near-perfect carbon tissue yesterday, but bumped it before it set and since I'm trying a borderless tissue it flowed off the sheet. Pouring another one today, on the same piece of plastic. Just washed it off and did the detergent rinse. Hopefully this goes alright but I'm seeing the waves I had when I first tried carbon printing so I don't have a great deal of hope here.


Starting the log here becuase I can't really remember the dates before. It was a slow day in the darkroom. I was mostly just clearing a sheet of 8x10 X-ray film and making ~140mL of glop in hopes of pouring another carbon tissue. My biggest problem in creating tissues is dust — it's basically unavoidable at the moment and it ruins every one of my tissues. If I can fix dust cheaply, I can fix my carbon tissues and as such all of my carbon problems at the moment. Everything else has a well-documented fix with a spot in the budget, but I can't squeeze this in and afford it. Attached is the cleared X-ray sheet, reflecting the lights of my bathroom lab.
